Strength & Conditioning
General Fitness & Weight Loss Goals promoting Wellness & Metabolic health is best found in CrossFit. It incorporates functional movements that build stamina, strength, and speed, among several other areas.
From an exercise perspective, CrossFit takes all aspects of fitness and sports, which is the most effective, and most applicable to everyday life, and combines them together.
CrossFit a workout program that integrates multiple sports and training regimens all in one. This allows me to use my synchronise my specialist areas of training to build each individual a program to garner real RESULTS
CrossFit comes with benefits other than helping you get stronger. Whether your fitness goal is to help you maintain your current fitness level, get just 1% fitter, lose weight, do a pull-up, or be able to lift a certain weight, CrossFit can help you reach it
Build Maximum Strength & Muscle With High Intensity Training At Any Age
High-Intensity Training is doing one set of an intense strength training exercise to achieve a goal of momentary muscle failure. Each exercise is controlled and the entire workout is brief, intense, and focused. You generally can’t do more than 30 -40 minutes during a HIT session. HIT is an exercise approach that has existed for over 50 years and has helped people reach their Strength & Muscle goals.
Our muscles benefit most by performing an “all-out” effort while also resting sufficiently between those intense workouts. Training intensely and frequently could lead to overtraining. This concept birthed HIT: training with a focus on quality
While many exercise programs recommend 1 hour a day, 4-5 training sessions a week, high-intensity training requires significantly less time investment of 2 training sessions a week with BETTER RESULTS. In total, HIT saves you about 2-4 hours per week when compared to many other exercise programs
High Intensity Training Specialist
Having studied and trained using the Methodologies of the Worlds foremost HIT Specialists like Arthur Jones, Mike Mentzer and DR Ellington Darden I am able to deliver a high quality HIT program for all my clients